
Enough Already!

Sick kids. I am tired of having sick kids. The last month one or both of my kids have been sick. They just keep passing it back and forth. Mason just got over a double ear infection and woke up this morning with a cough and runny nose. Seriously.


Kristie said...

I'm telling you it never ends! Just you wait, one day you will be wiping snot and cleaning up vomit all while holding a book in the other hand and not even missing a beat. It's a serious talent we develop as mommies.

The Sorensen Family said...

I am totally with you!! My kids have had a cold for 3 months now!! Ella had a ear infection and boston coughed so hard today he throw up all over and was in the car!! It sucks not having insurance too!

Also We are moving into the sorensen's in july! We will have to get our boys together!

CA said...

Hi Allison!
I know what you mean! I've tried desperately to keep germs from always spreading between my kids, but I think it's pretty much impossible! I'm sorry to hear about your Grandma, but I'm sure she's so happy to be with your Grandpa again! I hope you guys had a good Christmas! Your boys are so big and so dang cute! Love ya!

Ashley said...

I am so sorry!! You have had a month of sick. I hope it dosen't last long!

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