
A Busy Spider and a Brown Bear

When Mason was born I thought I would be a good Mom and start reading him books so he would be really smart. :) I am kind of regretting this now, I think that I must read " The Very Busy Spider" and "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" at least 100 times a day. I swear I am not exaggerating. Mason could literally sit and listen to these books over and over and never get sick of them. I have tried buying him new books, hiding them, nothing works. I have them both memorized so I can pretend that I am reading them to him and still catch Oprah at the same time. :) He is just so stinkin cute, I can't say no to him.


Popcorn and Sprite

Yesterday was a very hectic day. I had to run a bunch of errands and Mason did not have his usual nap. Needless to say, he was very grumpy all night. Cameron and I decided to go get some dinner at Wingers. Mason was not having it, he was so naughty. He wouldn't eat his dinner and was throwing everything in sight on the ground and screaming and trying to get out of his high chair. The only thing he would eat was the popcorn and Sprite. So that is what he had for dinner last night, popcorn and Sprite. I felt like the worst Mom walking out of the restaurant. I guess sometimes you just pick your battles. As Laurie would say, the mother of the year award is on it's way!!


New Addition

We added a new addition to our family yesterday. My Brother and Sister in Law had their sweet baby boy. He is 8 pounds with lots of dark hair. He is having some trouble breathing on his own so he is in the NICU for a couple of days. The doctors are optimistic about a full recovery. They have named him Vincent. Congratulations Garrett & Brittany!!


Overly Tired = Bucket on Head

Yesterday Mason and I were gone all day and so he never got his usual 2 hour nap in. So last night around 8:00 he was so tired he was just stumbling around everywhere. All of the sudden he was out of sight and reappeared with a plastic bucket on his head. He was running into the walls and everything. It was so funny. He thought it was pretty funny too because he would not take it off!


True Colors

Take this test!

You're yellow, the color of joy and energy — two things you definitely bring to everyone around you. It's hard for anyone to be sad or lonely in your presence; your sunny disposition and cheery outlook just won't allow it. The warmth of your personality shines through in the kindness you show friends and family (and strangers, too). Always ready with a lighthearted joke or heartfelt compliment, you know how to make people feel good about themselves, so they can't get enough of you. Yellow is a warm and inviting color for a warm and inviting person — you!

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