
The last few weeks..

I know that you have all been wondering where in the heck I have been and waiting anxiously for a new post from me. Ha Ha... I have been without a computer for the last couple of weeks and let me tell you it has been hell. I must have a sick addiction to the computer because I seriously didn't know what to do with all my extra time. Here is what I did manage to do.
Finished Breaking Dawn in 3 days... Awesome
Got into a great exercise routine
Watched Enchanted for the first time- loved it
Went on a walk every morning with my kids in our new double stroller
Watched way to many episodes of Backyardigans and Diego. You know you've had enough of the Backyardigans when you talk about which songs and episodes you like the best while visiting with a friend. Good Times Jewels!
Trying to keep Mason from killing Dillon...poor Dillon doesn't stand a chance

That is about it, nothing too exciting, now it's back to being planted in front of the computer... I have to make up for lost time you know.


Dash Of Sass said...

Hey! so glad you are back! i actually was wondering where you went!!!! Well looks like things are going well for you! I hope you can make it to girls night next week! Did you get my email? Well cant wait to see you and finally meet baby Dillon! LOVE YOU!

Kelie said...

sounds like fun! glad you're back! and way to go on all of your accomplishments while you were 'away'!

Jewels said...

Oh Al, I just laughed my head off reading about us talking about the Backyardigans! How sad our lives have come to us talking about kids shows. Just be sure to work on your rad moves, super super bad moves... :)

The Sorensen Family said...

Love enchanted! Ok so Brett and I just got a membership to Liftime Fitness. We should do the cycling class together sometime!

The Christensen Family said...

You are so funny...I am totally the same way. Even worse - you will catch yourself watching even when the kids have wandered from the room. That is even better! :) Loves...

Lisa Danielson said...

Glad to hear all is well. I watch way to many cartoons too and lately I cannot stand to watch Yo Gabba Gabba! Anyways I just made my blog private and need your email address. Will you email me at danielson.lisa@gmail.com

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