
7 things about me

I was tagged by Amelia, here goes.

7 things I plan to do before I die...
1. Buy a house
2. Travel through Europe
3. Take Cameron to New York City
4. Become really good at taking pictures
5. Learn how to sew
6. Run a marathon
7. Lose my baby weight

7 things I can do...
1. Touch my tongue to my nose
2. I can find humor in most things
3. I can be a good friend
4. I can bake
5. I am very computer savvy
6. I can dance pretty good
7. Good problem solver

7 things I cannot do...
1. Cook
2. Eat tomatoes
3. Burp
4. Speak in church
5. Ask for help
6. A Hand Stand
7. give up eating sugar

7 Things that I would have on a deserted island:

1. My Family
2. Ipod
3. A satelite tv
4. A lovesac
5. Camera
6. Food
7. Water

7 Things I say most often
1. No! Mason
2. You did not just do that
3. Why did you take your diaper off?
4. Who pooped
5. How was your day?
6. I love you
7. Good Morning

7 Celebrity Admirations...
1. Tina Fey
2. Jennifer Aniston
3. Ellen DeGeneres
4. Tiger Woods
5. Jennifer Garner
6. Justin Timberlake
7. Cameron Diaz

7 Favorite foods...

1. Enchilada's from Guadalahonkey's
2. Garlic Bread
3. Spaghetti
4. Chips and Salsa
5. Pizza
6. Oreo Shakes
7. Grilled Cheese

7 People I think should do this:
1. Brittany
2. Amanda
3. Laurie
4. Julie
5. Jodi
6. Kelly
7. Paige


GAYLE said...

Darling picture on your header!

chadandsydney said...

love your header pic!!!! so cute

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