

So I guess I have been slacking on the laundry lately because Cameron informed me that he had to dry off this morning with a pillowcase and one of Dillon's bib's. I have never laughed so hard in my life. I dried my mouth off after brushing my teeth with that same bib and wondered why it was wet. Now I know. Needless to say, there is a fresh stack of clean towels in the cupboard.


Jill said...

Ok that is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time!! Thanks for making my day!! Know that you are in good complany when it comes to slacking off on laundry!

Anonymous said...

Oh my I am dying right now Allison, literally.

Jodi said...

That is seriously hilarious. You guys crack me up.

Jewels said...

I would love to live with you and Cameron. I swear you guys have the funniest stories!

Becky said...


I can not stop laughing. That is one of the funniest blog posts I have ever read. And I can relate - big time.

Trish said...

Yes, that is hilarious! I needed to hear that!

Laurie said...

Glad to know that I'm in good company!

Kelly said...

So So funny! I can just hear Cam saying that. Thanks for sharing!

Abigail said...

trust me I was with Allison when Cameron and her were talking about it, and tears were streaming down my face!

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