

In the next couple of weeks there is going to be an intervention... Mason will be forced to give up his beloved binky. I don't think there has ever been a kid that loves his binky more. I REALLY, REALLY need suggestions on how to get rid of it once and for all. If any of you out there have any creative, fool proof ideas that have worked for your little ones please let me know. For the record, I don't think the binky fairy would work with him. The intervention is scheduled for March 1st. I have never been so nervous. I may need a stint in rehab after this is over.


Trish said...

Ha! I know how you feel! You could try our trick - Emma "gave" it to a sad baby calf who needed it.

Whatever you do - don't cave after you take it away!!! A few tantrums and sleepless nights will be worth it!! Hang in there!

Jen said...

Hey Allison (Amanda's old rommie here) - we had the same thing with our daughter, she was INSANE about the binky. We made a decision to take it away when she was 2, but we ended up taking it away a few weeks before her second birthday. We just hid all the binkys and told her that big girls don't use binkys. I really thought she'd have a REALLY hard time with it but honestly she only asked for it a few times. Good luck!

Ashley said...

Yeah I am so not looking forward to taking the binki from Will he is addicted. Let me know what ends up working

Jill said...

Allison, it took several attempts with Lexi. We finally succeeded with a binki countdown chart. Lexi will do almost anything if there is a chart and stickers involved, we made a easy box chart and everytime she slept with the binki at naptime or bedtime, when she woke up she would place a sticker on the chart. When the chart was full of stickers about a weeks time, SHE threw out her binki's. She's never looked back since.

Lisa Danielson said...

I am down the same path as you sister. I have decided to just cut it a little at a time so she can still take it to bed with her but it's not totally cold turkey. I learned how NOT to do it with Ty. Good luck!

CA said...

Hey Allison!
Deric was crazy about his binky too, so we just cut the top off so there was nothing to suck and he could see that is was "broken". He was sad for about a day and then he moved on- It wasn't near as big a deal as we thought it would be. Good luck!

Shannon said...

Allison I just laughed so hard at your last two posts, so cute! I love the dino obsession and the binky obsession I understand! Camden has been so into his too and I was really worried about. So funny because I was also planning for march 1sT! However, I think I was REALLY lucky because earlier this week, Mon., I asked Camden to take out his B. and show me his teeth. I said Oh No! Your binky is ruining your teeth. Yucky! It's not good for your teeth. And he said back to me, "Yucky, Mommy. I don't like it. No more binky." Seriously! I was as shocked as you. He cried for it the next day at his nap but every time he asked for it I just said no more binky, it ruins your teeth remember? And he would say, Oh yep! Anyway, sometimes the cold truth works. Have you heard of the ballon, cutting the end off, or having him throw it away? Give him something in exchange for it when he throws it away? That's what I was going to do. Good luck. Seriously, we all need to get together sometime soon for real!

NatRat said...

Let's see, I took Coop to the Disney store(when it existed) and let him pick out a Buzz toy. I told him he had to give me his binky and it would be put in the trash if he got this Buzz toy. He agreed and the binky when bye bye. He asked for it a couple of times and I had to just stick to my guns. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. He loved that thing too!!

It was good to see you this morning...I hope I run into you more:)

The Christensen Family said...

Love it... I am just trying my hardest to get Cruz to be a binky baby! :) None of my other kids were... Here is a few ideas I have heard.
1. Take him to the store to pick out a fun toy. Have him pay for it with his binky at the checkout. Actually have him hand it to the checker and the checker can toss it. Then quickly rid yourself of all others at home! :)
2. Or cut the end of all of them. Not fun to suck on an open hole! Good luck -- I want to hear what works! XXOO

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