

So, my little Dillon had a little fall last week out of his high chair. Once I made sure that there was no serious head injury and he had stopped crying, I though that everything was hunky dory. I put him on the floor and usually he is off as fast as can be crawling and getting into everything. This time, he just sat there and looked at me. He started to get into the crawling position when he started crying and just sat back down. Huh? I tryed everything to get him to crawl to me, he wouldn't. He finally decided he could scoot on his bum and get around okay without using his legs, ( or so I thought). I immediately thought there was something wrong with his leg. I call the Dr. and he tells me I have to take him to Primary Children's to get x-rays. So, my Mom and I hop in the car and drive up to the hospital. 5 HOURS & 2 leg x-rays later we FINALLY get out of there. They did not find anything wrong, so I was just supposed to watch him to make sure it starts to get better. A couple of days pass and still no crawling. He will walk while holding my hand and move his legs around fine, it's only the crawling that is bothering him. I started growing a little suspicious that maybe it wasn't his leg afterall. I finally came to the conclusion that it was his wrist that was bothering him. Stupid me. I felt so bad that I hadn't caught it before then and had wasted all that time getting x-rays on his legs. So, we found out last night that he does have a small fracture in his wrist and has to be in a cast for 3 weeks. Poor little baby. I feel so bad for him! He is just in a little splint right now, and is doing really well with it. I will post pictures soon when he gets his actual cast on!


Paige said...

Poor little guy!

Val said...

That is so sad, I can't stand to see little kids with injuries. I have recently experienced how quickly it can happen and how fast kids can move. Hope he feels better soon!

Ashley said...

That is so sad! I'm glad you figured it out.

Jill said...

So sad!! Hope he starts feeling better really soon. By the way...I joined Lifetime and meet your darling sister! Hope all else goes well for you. Tell Cameron that MJ really wants to try and get together this fall. It's been way to long!!

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