
To Nap or Not

Some of you may be thinking that this has to do with Mason, well you are wrong. It's me. I have the daily dilema of trying to decide whether or not to take a nap with Mason. I don't know why it's such a hard decision for me. Mason is really good at taking 2+ hour naps, and every day I find it harder and harder to resist snuggling up with him. I always go down the checklist of things that I could/should be doing instead, but somehow I always end up crawling into the bed next to Mason. Do any other Mom's feel guilty for taking naps? Or am I just being wierd? I justify it by telling myself I am pregnant and I won't be able to do it once the new baby comes.


Brittany said...

You are just fine to nap and do it while you still can. Enjoy and relax especially while you are pregnant!

GAYLE said...

Oh, Allison--I still feel guilty about taking naps and there's no reason why any of us should. Guilt is a terrible thing. You have to do what you need to do to get through the day and sometimes that's a nap. I wish I could take one every day. I've had to force myself not to sometimes or I'll sleep even worse than usual at night. It's a bad sleep cycle I'm in.

Kristie said...

TAKE THE NAP!!! And don't feel bad about it! As a mother of three, I dream of the days when I just had my sweet Amelia to cuddle up next to...So please, for all of us who may never sleep again, take a nice long nap and enjoy it for all of us. By the way, this is Kristie...I love how I can find practically anyone with a little blog stalking...By the way, congrats on your new little bundle coming soon...

Tate Family said...

nap! nap! nap!
What will you remember in time? The chore list or snuggling with him? I try to remind myself of these important truths.
Oh yes, and you won't get to nap as much soon enough!

Jewels said...

Definitely take a nap everyday and don't feel guilty about it one bit! Seriously! Mason will only be little once so you might as well cuddle up with him while you still can.

Trish said...

Take it!! I go through the same dilemma. I wish I would give in more and just take it!

Laurie said...

NAP!!!! If there's ever a time to nap, it's while you're pregnant and have a toddler. Be kind to yourself.

Jodi said...

Oh, for sure nap. No questions asked. And eat that extra cookie, get that shirt at Target and watch Big Brother instead of doing laundry, you deserve it. Atleast that's what I keep telling myself.

Kelie said...

do not feel guilty! if you can take one...do it! especially because you are pregnant. my girls don't take naps and so i make them have quiet time so i can get a rest!

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