
Not Feelin It

I haven't been the best blogger lately. I just haven't been feeling it. Nothing interesting has happened, and I am just huge and pregnant and wanting this baby to come early. Man, my moods are horrible with this pregnancy, so I have to apologize to my husband and also Mason for being impatient a lot of the time and snappy. The only thing that makes me feel better is a big Diet Coke. Yes, that's right I drink it when I am pregnant. Try as I may, I can't stop. Here are some cute pics anyways of the last couple of weeks with cousin Jack.


Kelie said...

cute pics!!! i love to sympathize with you being big and pregnant...i have the same complaints! and now the count down!!! yay!

Kristie said...

ummm yeah, I could never give up my Diet Coke either. But for all of those people who think it is abomination to drink caffine while you are pregnant, they obviously do not experience the pure joy that some of us do with a little of it. You do what you have to do to get through it! Good luck.

Kelly said...

Let's be sure to get big Diet Cokes for tonight! They're my favorite!

Paige said...

I drink diet coke when I am prego too! It is the only thing that makes me feel better! Your little Mason is so cute!

N&WOdom said...

Hey! you are too funny! I love it! When do we get to see you guys again? It seems like we go months before we get together again. I don't like that! let me know when you are available and we will party! cant wait to see your CUTE belly! you know it is cute so don't lie!!! Love ya!

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