
Stolen Tag

I stole this tag off of Kelly, I need some blogging inspiration!

A- Attached or single: Attached

B- Best Friend: Cameron
C-Cake or Pie: I really love chocolate cake with white frosting
D-Day: Probably Saturday, Cameron is home and we get to have some fun!
E- Essential Item: Bed
F- Favorite Color: Pink
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: I am not a gummy candy fan
H-Home town: Draper, Utah
I- Indulgences: oreo shakes
J- January or July?: July, especially after this winter!
K-Kids: Mason and little Dillon on the way!
L-Life is incomplete without: Family and Friends
M- Marriage Date: 12/3/99
N- Number of Siblings: 3 Sisters 1 Brother
O- Oranges or Apples: Apples
P- Phobias or Fears: Something happening to a family member
Q- Quote: I have no idea
R- Reason To Smile: One day closer to the birth of my son.
S- Season: Fall
T- Tag Three: Brittany, Amanda, Amy
U- Unknown fact about me: I never forget a birthday
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I like meat!
W- Worst Habit: Not returning phone calls
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds
Y-Your favorite food: Garlic Bread
Z: Zodiac Sign: Scorpio


Unknown said...

Dave Davis

Abigail said...

That makes me feel bad..you are the best Allison. I'm going to write a blog all about you. You'll see. Never think that, I am sorry! I love you.

Abigail said...

Allison, read my new blog I just posted..you will laugh and I know which one you will laugh at, just read. Love ya

Tanya Kimball said...

Hang in there Allison! Less than 2 months to go! How is it that after you have the baby times seems to fly by but those last couple months couldn't move slower at the end of the pregnancy?! Mason is getting so big! How is he with the idea of becoming a big brother?

The Christensen Family said...

I share a deep appreciation for Garlic Bread! :) Can't get enough! Miss you-fun to peek in on you. SO jealous with only 50 days to go! How amazing. Loves -- Steph

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