
Baby Dillon

Well, it happened again, only this time it was a little earlier than I would have liked. I don't know what is wrong with my body thinking that it can go into labor before the baby is ready to come out! On Saturday afternoon, I started experiencing labor pains, which I thought was just false labor. I called the Dr. on call and he assured me that it was probably just false labor and to make sure I was drinking enough water and they would probably go away. Well, since Cameron was in San Diego at the US Open, I started to panic a little that he wasn't here. I called him and told him that I needed him to come home. He booked the next flight he could get out on which was on Sunday afternoon. He wasn't due home until Monday afternoon. The pains kept coming and getting more intense, still the Dr. on call told me that I shouldn't worry??? That's a whole other story. Anyway, all through Saturday night and Sunday they kept coming and coming. By 10:00 Sunday night I was in so much pain I couldn't take it anymore and knew that I was in active labor. Cameron and I rushed to LDS Hospital and they admitted me dilated to a 5. They tried to stop my labor, but to no avail and little Dillon was born Monday, July 16th at 7:38 am. He weighed 5lbs 4 oz and was 19 inches. I was just so grateful that Cameron was able to make it home for the birth. They told us that Dillon would have to go straight into the special care nursery. So I didn't get to see him until later in the day. He was hooked up to oxygen and had tubes going in everywhere. It was a little upsetting, but I knew he was in good hands. The next morning, I went to see him and he had been taken off all oxygen and was breathing room air!! I couldn't believe how strong he was. He is doing so good and is still off oxygen. He will probably be in the hospital for another 2 weeks or so, but we are so grateful that he is improving everyday. Here are some pictures of our little guy. I will keep you posted on his progress.


Kelie said...

He is adorable! I am so glad that he is improving. Hoping that you are doing well and hanging in there. I'm sure it can't be easy with him in the hospital. We're praying for him and your sweet family, hoping for a sooner homecoming than 2 weeks.

Nikki said...

He looks great! I am glad that Cam was able to be there with you for the birth. I'm sure that previous Saturday was a little stressful. But, look at the beautiful little boy you have here now. Congrats!!!

Jodi said...
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Jodi said...

Congratulations! Dillon is such a precious baby. We just love your boys like they were our own and can't wait to hold him!

P.S. Call me to watch Mason. I'll come over so you don't have to make the trip out here. Plus, it'll benefit me more so Jack could burn some energy running around outside ;) Love you guys!

Becky said...

Congratulations Palmer family! I'm so glad little Dillon is improving and doing well. He looks very healthy in the pictures. And he's beautiful!!

Trish said...

Welcome, Dillon! Glad all is well...keep us posted, please! xoxo

hzaby said...

Congrats on Dillon. He is so cute. We will keep him and you guys in our prayers. So many babies that I know are coming early. You were due after Wendy, and she is still pregnant. Love ya lots

The Sorensen Family said...

Congrats!! Hope mother and baby are doing great! I am so happy for you both! He is so cute! Can't wait to see more pictures! I am adding you guys to my blog list. I hope that is ok. I always go to Jodi's to get to yours.

Marci said...

Congratulations! He is so beautiful. I hope we get to meet him.

CA said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you're both doing okay! I'm sorry I'm the worst friend and didn't even know! He looks so dang cute, just like Mason! What a crazy story! I'm so glad Cameron was there with you- can you imagine doing it alone? I need to see you! I'll try to get in touch ASAP! Congratulations!

Lisa Danielson said...

No way! He is so cute and really big for being early! I'm sure Cameron didn't mind coming home early!

Jewels said...

What a little fighter! He's so cute and I can't wait to see him. It was fun to see you last night and you looked awesome! Let me know if you need anything.

The Moore Family said...

He is soooo dang cute!! Thanks for letting me come to the hospital today and see him, hope he gets to come home really soon. Love Ya!!

Paige said...

He is adorable! I am so glad that he is doing better! You are a trooper. Good luck and congrats!

Kelly said...

Congrats! He is so cute. So glad Cam made it home. Hope you're doing well. We'll come see ya when he's home. Good luck!

The Christensen Family said...

He is absolutely precious! I am so sorry that we have been so out of touch lately -- homeless isn't super conducive to blogging. I am sorry to hear about little Dillon -- we are for sure going to keep him and your little family in our prayers. We love you guys!

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