
It could never happen to me, right?

So I have been the victim of fraud. I logged onto my chekcing account yesterday to see that someone had gone to Winger's without me and spent $30 on dinner. I was a little suspicious, so I asked Cameron if he had gone there for lunch or something. He told me no, but he had gone to Cobblestone Pizza and spent about that much. So in my head I thought maybe Wingers owns Cobblestone Pizza and it just comes through under Wingers. Never in a million years thinking, someone really had gone to Wingers without me and used my money!!! So, I kind of let it go. Well that was a mistake. Last night I logged on again and that same person had gone to Smith's and bought their entire food storage and then some, $600.00 worth to be exact! I started panicking & hyperventilating immediately. To make a long story short, I called the bank and put a freeze on my account and tomorrow morning I have to go in to the bank and get it all taken care of. I have no idea where they got my information, Cameron and I both have our debit cards and I am not missing any checks. So, I just thought I would pass along that there are some very smart & dishonest people out there and to be very careful.


Tanya Kimball said...

So scary! I agree that you can never be too careful! It creates quite the mess for you though. Good luck!

The Christensen Family said...

I know exactly how you feel... Just last month - someone had a great time in Mexico on us! I am still fuming about it! So maddening when it is debit card too - just our hard earned dollars out the window! It is an ugly process to take care of it - so gear up! Sorry to hear about it! Love you lots!

Kelie said...

It is horrible to go through! I am sorry you get to do it too! It also happened to us, and it was for over $3000! It was horrible trying to fix it, so again so sorry you have to go through it! Yuck!!!! I shred everything now!

Laurie said...

Oh my gosh! How terrible! If someone is going to spend your money, they should at least invite you or pick up some food storage for you! I'm so sorry!

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