
A Big Day!

After more than 2 weeks without any food, Dillon finally gets to start eating today! He has been getting electrolytes and lipids through a picc line, but nothing in his tummy. They will start him out really slowly, and work up to regular feedings every 2-3 hours. He has done so well with everything. They moved him into a "big boy bed" as they call it because he has been able to maintain his own body temperature. The nurses all comment on how laid back he is. I only hope he keeps that up when I bring him home! He weighs a whopping 6lbs 6oz, which is really great weight gain for not eating anything! We are so proud of him and the great progress he has made. He is starting to get chubby cheeks. I can't wait until I can bring him home!


hzaby said...

We are excited that he is doing good. That is neat that he is going to be able to eat stuff. My sister in law works in that unit of Primary Childrens Hospital. She will probably see you guys. You are all still in our prayers and hope for continued progress

Trish said...

That is a big day for your family! Go Dillon!!!!

The Sorensen Family said...

He is such a cutie Allison! Hope everyone is doing great. That is awesome that he is gaining weight and not losing. My neice was 8 weeks early and I know my brother had a very hard time with everything. Let me know if you need anything.

NatRat said...

I am so glad he is doing so good, I just hope he continues to get better. I hope you and Cameron are holding up okay...this has got to be hard. Good luck!

GAYLE said...

He looks so bitty in Cameron's arms! What a cute little guy. Please come and be in the cabin picture this year. You can hold one of Claire's old dolls and pretend Dillon is there.

Unknown said...

He is the cutest damn thing. I love how it says "Dillon" on his bed. I already love him to pieces!

Kelie said...

yay for the great progress! We are still thinking about you and praying for you! Keep up the great progress Dillon! And Mason is as darling as ever...what a fun day to the dino museum.

Jewels said...

That has got to be such a relief. I'm so glad to hear he is doing better!

Becky said...

Hey Palmers! Dillon is so precious, I can't wait for you to take him home. I love those cheeks! You have been so positive through this hard time, Allison. You are such a sweet mom. And you look fabulous! Good luck with Dillon's homecoming!

cathy said...

First, Congrats on little Dillon! I remember how hard it was to go back and forth to the hospital and not have your baby next to you all the time -- I really hope he continues to make progress and you'll have him home soon!

Paige Wright said...

Congratulations! He is so cute. I can hardly wait to see both of you.

hzaby said...

John's sister is Melissa Watson. She is a charge nurse there in the baby unit of Primary Childrens Hospital. She works a lot, so you have probably seen. If you see her, tell her who you are. I told her that Dillon was there. Congrats again.

whitney said...

I am so out of the loop, but so happy to hear things are doing well with Dillon. Your mom brought me up to speed last week! love you guys, seems like time for a water fight on june circle eh? xoxo

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