
My Little Buddy

Things have been so crazy around here! Trying to spend as much time at the hospital with Dillon while trying not to neglect Mason has been a difficult balancing act. So, today I decided to skip my usual morning hospital visit with Dillon to spend some much needed one on one time with Mason. I took him to the Dinosaur Museum and I have never seen someone so excited to see a bunch of bones. He growled like a Dinosaur the entire time and could not get enough of all the stuff to see. He was in dinosaur heaven. I just love hangin out with Mason, he is so much fun right now. When we were leaving he kept saying, "Dye Dye Dodo" he has a hard time with his "B's" so in translation he was saying "Bye Bye Dinosaur". It seems like everyday he is saying new words. It's so fun to see him grow up. Dillon continues to do so well. They took out his draining tube from his stomach and he hs done really well. He will be on antibiotics for 5 more days and then they will start his feedings. As soon as he starts gaining weight and can eat 2-3oz every three hours we can bring him home. Probably not until the end of July, but that was my due date so it makes sense. Here are some cute pictures of Mason in the nude on the bouncy slide and then at the Museum today. I will update again soon!


Kelly said...

You're such a good mom! Mason is so dang cute naked on that slide! I'm so glad to hear that Dillon is doing well. I'm thinking about you guys.

Brittany said...

Can he be any cuter! how fun to spend that one on one time with him it is so important. You are doing so great, I can't imagine how crazy you guys have been lately. Love you guys!

Mindy said...
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Kristie said...

I had no idea about the situation with Dillon until just reading this. I am so sorry! I wish I had known and I would have hunted you down at the hospital! I am happy to hear he is doing better. Having two babies is hard enough without dealing with the separation. You are a brave mommy! Good luck!

Trish said...

Oh! I love naked baby bums!

The Christensen Family said...

Love Naked photos! Such fabulous material for blackmail or embarassing dates in the future. :) You are a great mom Al! Loves...

CA said...

You're so cute Allison! Mason and Dillon and Cameron are all so lucky to have you! I'm glad Dillon is doing so good- we will continue to pray for you! I love ya!

Laurie said...

You are a good mommy! Mason is so big. Next time you go to the museum call us. That's our favorite hang out spot. I'm glad to hear that Dillon is doing so well. I can't wait to meet him.

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