
A Rollercoaster Ride

The last couple of days have been pretty eventful! Sunday night I was on my way home from the hospital and my car starts to overheat, anyone who knows our Jeep is probably laughing right now. Everything on it has been replaced, and it breaks down on a monthly basis. I guess you could say we bought a lemon because it's only about 6 years old! Anyway, I sat on Foothill Blvd for an hour waiting for a tow truck and for Cameron to come and get me. Luckily the part that needed to be fixed was under warranty so we dodged a bullet! So, Monday comes and I go to the hospital Monday night with my Mom. Dillon had a great week and he had been tolerating his feedings well, and everything seemed to be great. They were even talking about letting us bring Dillon home. We go into his room and the cute nurse looks at me with a distessed look on her face. My stomach immediately dropped and she proceeds to tell they think his infection has come back. I start to cry and the nurse starts to cry because she knows how bad I wanted to bring Dillon home. They were running a bunch of tests and getting x-rays of his belly again. We sat there and waited for the results to come back and sure enough his x-rays showed a little bit of inflammation and free air in the lower right intestine. I was so discouraged and frustrated thinking that we would have to start this whole process all over again with the no eating and 10 days of antibiotics. I called Cameron and he came up with my Dad to give him a blessing. He gave the most amazing blessing I have ever heard. I immediately felt better about it. I stayed at the hospital and held Dillon until about 11:30, then went home to try and get some sleep. 3:30 AM comes and Cameron is waking me up to tell me he is in excrutiating pain and needs to go to the emergency room. He heads to Alta View and they find 2 kidney stones that are trying to pass at the same time!! He comes home around 7:00 and goes straight to bed. I get up and call the nurse and she tells me that Dillon had a great night and they were waiting on results from his last batch of x-rays. I jump in the car and head up to the hospital. The nurse practitioner comes to tell me that his last x-rays showed no signs of free air or inflammation and that all of his blood work came back normal, and that they think it must be just gas and stool trying to pass through. I couldn't believe it! I believe we had a small miracle happen. So, now they are only leaving him on antibiotics for one more day as a precaution and they are going to start feeds again in the next day or two! Whew! It has been a crazy mix of emotions the last couple of days! Great news mixed in with some bad news, but we are hopeful it will continue to be good news from here on out! Oh, and Cameron is still sick and trying to pass his stones. Hopefully he will feel better soon!


Trish said...

Oh my gosh, Allison! Which one do I start with? I am so happy that Dillon is on the up and up...I can't wait to meet this little miracle baby. As for Cam...I am so sorry. I have never had a kidney stone, but Jesse earns the frequent flyer award for trips to the ER with kidney stones! Hang in there! xoxo

Kelly said...

What a weekend! SO glad that things are looking better. We'll keep praying for little Dillon to come home soon. Good luck to Cam!

Dash Of Sass said...

HEY! so i am so happy things are getting better with Dillon. And so sad for Cam. that can not be fun. You are such a good mom and what a sport to have enough strenghth to get through all of this. YOU are simply amazing! love you and miss you! Call me when you can, i would love to help out in any way i can. Let me take Mason for a little bit if needs be! love ya whit

Abigail said...

I love you Allison

Kelie said...

Such a miracle! I hope little Dillon gets to come home soon, I can only imagine how hard it is to leave him each time! so sad for Cam! I hope those stones pass soon and easily! JR has had plenty of experience with that so he knows what Cam is going through...and it's not pretty! Hope the car troubles will end too! What a roller coaster ride for you all, hang in there!!

The Moore Family said...

Gotta love the Jeep Liberty!!!! Can I buy it from you?? Hang in thre, I promise things will get better, I love you!!!

Lisa Danielson said...

That sounds really stressful! I heard that Ryan and Cameron had kidney stones on the same night--Crazy!!

Marci said...

Holy Cow! You guys are going through the fire. Keep your chins up. You are getting stronger by the day.

Brad and Jade said...

Allison this is Jade, it brought tears to my eyes to hear about your sweet little baby. I hope things continue to get better and you get to bring him home soon. Take care I'll keep you in my prayers.

Unknown said...

Shoot....I remember when Amy used to frickin pick me up with my cheeks! Forget just pinching the damn things!!! LOL....still love the memory though :)

CA said...

Allison- oh my goodness!!!! What else could possibly happen to your cute family!?! I'm so sorry about Cameron, and so glad that Dillon is doing so well! I'll keep praying for you guys- I want to see you and all your cute boys- maybe when life isn't quite so hectic...

The Christensen Family said...

Wow! You are as crazy as we are! Wouldn't you just love for life to be somewhat normal again? Great news about little Dillon - hope you can bring him home soon! And poor Cam - they say it is as bad as child labor...Tell him we are thinking of him. [And I hope he comes out of it with all sorts of appreciation for everything you went through!;)] Love you guys!

Tate Family said...

Holy rollercoaster ride...ugghh...Congrats by the way! I haven't check anyone's blog in months. Soo happy he's here!!! Can't wait to meet him. Give Cam. a hug from us.

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